Thursday, March 10, 2011

Busy Busy

Bruce is out of town, so I've got several projects going at once. One of the biggest and most labor-intensive is my giveaway for Artfest in April. I'm painting tiny little matchboxes, and then filling them with scraps of decorative papers that people can use in their collages. Cute, huh? A couple of finished samples are shown in the foreground. First I created a crossword puzzle from this year's theme "Nourishing Creative Growth," printed it out on white paper, and glued it to the front and back. Then I painted, glazed, gesso'd, spritzed, dabbed, stamped, and highlighted with different acrylic paints to get the background effect. Finally, I squiggled on some glitter paint to give it a little sparkle. Whew! I'm taking 40 of these with me to Artfest.

I've also been upholstering a fabric headboard, putting new tires on Bruce's bike, writing the index for my engineering project book, and building a new robot. No name for this one yet, but you can tell it's significantly more complicated than my Lego robots. It took me three days to figure out how to get this robot to drive in a straight line rather than a circle.