Friday, March 25, 2011


I'm in Minneapolis for the ITEEA Conference (International Technology & Engineering Educators Association). These life-size placards are sprinkled throughout the convention center pointing the way to the registration area. It took me a while to realize that these signs were affiliated with our conference. I guess it's supposed to represent an ice fisherman, because it sure doesn't look like a Tech Ed teacher.

My flight was delayed a few hours getting into Minneapolis, because they had ANOTHER snow storm. (Who schedules a conference in Minneapolis in March????) One of the cool things about the Minneapolis downtown area is that all the buildings are connected by skyways. You can literally walk all over downtown and never go outside. And most of the fast food restaurants are located above the street along these skyways, so it's easy to go out to lunch. If you'll notice, the flags in the foreground of the picture are advertising the State High School Basketball Tournament. Unfortunately, I think the winning team had the room next to mine, because they were up partying pretty late.

Remember when Mary Tyler Moore used to throw her hat up in the air at the end of the Mary Tyler Moore show? Well that took place in Minneapolis in front of the old Donaldson's Department Store (now another Macy's). This is a statue to commemorate the spot, and also happens to be a geocache - my first in Minnesota.