Monday, July 16, 2012

Pickle Creek

The temperature dropped into the 90's, so we decided to go on a hike to Hawn State Park. This is one of our favorites, because it is so pretty. We started out along Pickle Creek, which was little more than a trickle given our lack of rain this summer. I'm actually surprised there was any water in it at all. Hawn is very, very rocky - mostly sandstone and huge slabs of granite. With granite being all the rage in DIY makeovers, I felt like I was walking across someone's future kitchen counter. Normally this park is extremely popular, but I think we were the only people on the trail. It felt really wonderful to have it all to ourselves until we got about 3 miles away from the trailhead and started hearing thunder. YIKES. We picked up the pace a bit (a little tricky given the roughness of the trail), but luckily the storm never developed. It dropped the temperature another 10 degrees though. That's always a bonus in July.