Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I worked the ISEA conference in Branson. ISEA stands for International STEM Educators' Association and STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It's getting bizarre when you have an acronym inside another acronym. It was a very interesting conference; lots of robots - always my favorite.
The vendor next to me programmed his robot to talk to people as they came by. It was actually a canned speech and by about the 50th time, I was ready to strangle the robot, but he definitely drew a crowd. In case you're wondering, this little guy cost $23,000 - too rich for me.
Pittsburg State University set up a really cute educational display with a safari theme. They brought in kids from Branson elementary to participate; it was quite lively with lots of different stations, including a little roller coaster they built from PVC pipe. This little spool was used to teach rotational motion. It kind of reminded me of one of the stunts from the Indiana Jones movie. Luckily the kids rode in it before lunch.