Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby Violet is 6 Weeks Old

My sister, Janet, got a new iPad with a photo-stitching program on it, so she's been going to town making collages of past and present photos, mostly comparing Violet to baby photos of her mom or her dad or her grandmother (hey, how about a great aunt???). This collage kind of shocked me, though, because I saw NO comparison between the two photos, and then I found out that the photo on the left is Violet's very first picture from the hospital. It's funny how everyone always says new babies look so wonderful, and after sitting in the waiting room for so long, you are just so darned happy that everything turned out OK. But let's face it. Poor Baby Violet looks like she'd just been through the wringer, which technically was true after almost 24 hours of labor. She is really developing quite a personality though, which includes loving to have her picture taken. Good thing, because with her grandmother, there is usually some sort of camera in front of her face.