Saturday, February 8, 2014

An Author New to Me

I finished my first book for the Back to the Classics reading challenge - a book by an author new to me. Edith Wharton’s book House of Mirth is about Lily Bart, a late-nineteenth century socialite brought up during the Gilded Age to believe that the only things that are important in life are beauty, fun, and money.  Lily has the first two qualities in spades, but falls far short of the third, leaving her with the time-honored solution of “marrying for money.”  This unfortunately becomes her downfall as she can’t quite commit to any of the men who cross her path, because while rich, they also strike her as boring, unsavory, unscrupulous, or henpecked.  The one man she seems to consider a true friend and her intellectual equal, Lawrence Selden, while not exactly poverty-stricken, does not have the bank balance to support the lifestyle Lily feels she must have.
Like many people, I was hoping for this book to conclude with a happy ending, but it doesn't. It was an interesting book and made me reflect a bit on the “nature vs nurture” syndrome – how much does your upbringing really determine your path in later life? Having been a high school teacher for many years, I tend to think there comes a time when you have to stop blaming your parents for the mistakes you make as an adult. Since this was my first book in the Back to the Classics reading challenge, it took me a while to get into the rhythm of such formal prose. I don’t think I've read a classic since high school. But I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 and will probably read another book by Edith Wharton at some future date.