Every month I meet with a group of former teachers for a Game Day. We started it a year ago as a way to combat cabin fever on really cold winter days. It's morphed into a monthly outing. I introduced them to Splendor about 8 months ago - a card-based board game Brian gave me for Christmas. It took us almost 6 months to master all the rules, but everyone enjoyed it so much they bought their own set.
So the next time I went to visit Brian, I asked him to recommend a new game (I like to change things up once in a while). Brian, Amber, and I played a couple rounds of 7 Wonders and really liked it. I thought it would work for our group, since it has a similar playing style, a limited time frame, and one goal - to get the most points. Unfortunately, when we tried it this past week, it was pretty much a disaster, because there are so many different ways to earn points. I spent most of the time hopping from one player to another explaining the different cards. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep playing this game on my own with Mr Nobody.