Saturday, December 28, 2019

Last Year's Resolution

Last year I set a goal of becoming more productive by downloading one new app to my phone each month. I downloaded the Atkins Carb Tracker and a 30 Day Fitness Challenge in January, since like everyone else at the start of the New Year, I wanted to lose weight and get in shape. Those 2 apps lasted about 3 days (but at least they’re still on my phone, so I can try again this year).
In February, I downloaded the Starbucks app. This turned out to be my favorite app for the entire year, because they turn earning free drinks into a game (something my competitive nature can’t resist). The Southwest app is another favorite, because not only can I check in online for flights, but I can watch movies while I’m on the plane. One of my friends told me about the Wunderlist app. I can create a grocery or Walmart list and share it with Bruce (depending on who’s heading off to the store). It sure beats carrying a paper and pen to check off items as they go into the cart. I just tap on the screen to delete the item from the list.

As the months progressed, I downloaded more apps. Many are used to run my robots (icons in row 3). Some provide discounts (Whole Foods Market) or a convenience (reading my Amazon Kindle books when I didn’t bring my Kindle with me). Duolingo was another good intention that failed. I downloaded it before we went to Europe thinking I’d teach myself a little German. In hindsight, I should have just downloaded the Google Translate app instead. There are a few apps I’m still struggling with, like Instagram. It takes me about 15 minutes to remember how to post a photo when I’m out with the Urban Sketchers. It’s been a fun year, but I think I’ll set a goal that’s a little more active for 2020. Maybe a biking app???