As part of my 2020 New Years' Resolutions, I set a goal to hike in a state or national park at least once a month. This month, I discovered that Point Washington State Forest is just a few feet from my condo.
Bruce and I went out hiking on Sunday trying to reach the trailhead on Hwy 395. I got over 20,000 steps that day (about 10 miles!), but we never did reach the highway.
Later in the week, I biked over to the trailhead and looked at the map. I think we were at least a couple miles short of reaching the highway, since we'd taken the upper loop. The lower loop was under water from all the rain they had here last week. You don't have to worry about climbing mountains in Florida, but you do have to deal with swampy trails. Some of them kind of spook me, because I worry that an alligator will pop out of the water.