Friday, January 10, 2025

Cold Again

Unfortunately, the frigid cold temperatures of winter are back. The trees look very pretty covered in frost, but this weather doesn't lend itself to any prolonged outdoor activity. On top of that, we've gotten an additional 5 inches of snow since I took this photo. Charlie loves running around in it, but poor Bruce has to keep going out to shovel it off the driveway. 

I did manage to go out to brunch with some of my Ladies Out to Lunch friends. We went to Le Peeps - a popular Denver spot with a Mexican flair. I got the breakfast enchiladas.

Then we all went over to the quilt store to look for some winter projects. I didn't get anything new. Instead, when I got home, I dragged out the applique wall-hanging kit I bought last year but never got around to starting. Maybe I'll do better this year, especially since I can't get outside right now.

They've also been getting a lot of snow and ice in St Louis, so they've had to resort to remote referring for their robotics tournaments. I ref'd for Brittany Woods last Sunday, and I'm ref'ing for Cape Girardeau this Saturday. It's always fun to see how creative the kids can be, not just in their robot designs, but in their team management. This team had only one student available to run the robot (you're supposed to have at least 2), so he asked if his teddy bear could be his partner. Very clever.

I got off to a great start the first week of our fitness challenge. But Janet's definitely going to pass me this week, because I'm just not that motivated to ride my bike trainer in the basement. And walking from my recliner to the refrigerator doesn't really chalk up many steps. I'm in the middle of winter doldrums and it's only January 10th... sigh.