Monday, January 27, 2025

Keeping Busy

Janet and I are almost finished with our January fitness challenge. She's a smitch ahead of me, but we should both be able to reach our goal by Friday. I'll probably end up doing this challenge again in February (even though I hate working out in the basement), but it doesn't appear that the snow is letting up any time soon.

I've made a little progress on my Winter bucket list of activities. I spent one day reorganizing my closet. I'm really not much of a fashionista - biking clothes are my go-to outfit. But I did manage to fill 2 boxes for Goodwill and I threw a few things away that even Goodwill wouldn't want. The roads have been so icy, though, I haven't actually taken the boxes to Goodwill. Maybe this week, since we're supposed to have a few days in the 40's.

I colored 3 pages in my adult coloring book. I used the Arteza markers I got from the Craft Club white elephant gift exchange. A few of the markers were already dry, but with 48 markers in the set, there were plenty to do these 3 pictures. Some adults really enjoy doing coloring pages; I prefer to leave it to the kids.

Another item checked off the list is to do a new craft. The Senior Center was offering a class in acrylic painting using a palette knife. I've done acrylic painting before, but only with a brush. Using a knife is a lot like frosting a cake only you have to be careful not to go back and forth too many times, especially when putting the yellow paint on top of the blue or you'll just turn it into green. This painting is supposed to be a sunset over an ocean. I don't think the intention was for it to be an abstract piece, but that's what I'm calling it. I think watercolor is a lot easier to do.

And speaking of which, Courtney and I are continuing our online watercolor class using only 3 colors. This week was a tropical scene. Courtney's picture isn't quite finished yet - that little white space in the middle is supposed to be a house. But it is kind of interesting how many variations you can get out of just 3 colors.

In KC news, Melissa got a new car for her 42nd birthday. She also got to celebrate another Chiefs' win - 32-29 over the Buffalo Bills. So now the Chiefs will be going to the Super Bowl again and hoping to be the first team in history to accomplish a threepeat. We'll see...