Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Happy Fat Tuesday

We just can't win on the weather front. On Monday, the weather was beautiful (and warm), so I jumped on my bike and rode the Piney Creek Trail.

But on Tuesday, it was back to shoveling snow. This time we got a new thing to watch for in the forecast, called graupel. It's a super-cooled water droplet that freezes onto a snowflake turning it into a chunk of ice. The nickname for this phenomenon is called "hominy snow." Even though we didn't get a very thick layer, Bruce had a devil of a time scraping it off the driveway.

I checked off another item on my winter bucket list by making a new smoothie. I'd never heard of maca powder before, but they did indeed have it at the grocery store. It's a "superfood" that's supposed to give the smoothie a caramel flavor without sugar. I'll have to admit, it wasn't too bad. However, I had trouble drinking the smoothie with a straw, because the chopped pecans kept getting stuck. Our grocery store doesn't sell pecan butter, so I'll just use almond butter next time and skip the pecans. I also made one of the toast recipes. This one had ricotta cheese and sliced apples dusted with a little cinnamon. It was OK, but I think goat cheese or peanut butter would have been better. Ricotta cheese is kind of bland. Unfortunately, I have a whole tub of it left.