Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's Girl Scout Robot Time???

When most people think of Girl Scouts, they think of cookies, but our local organization has gotten into the spirit of sponsoring teams for the FIRST LEGO Robotics contest. Since I've been a judge at this contest for the last five years, I was invited to the Open House to give advice and answer questions for new coaches. One of the teams from last year brought their robot to try it out on the new playing field. Looks good here, but it's probably too large to fit around all the obstacles at the far end of the field. This year's theme involves food contamination - cute when you see the harvester and farm animals in the picture, but a bit disgusting when you think about the robot capturing the rats farther down the field. It's going to be a pain this year to re-set the field in between each round, because there are about a million teeny-tiny LEGO "bacteria" that need to go back into their dispensers, but I'd rather be a judge than a coach trying to figure out how to knock them down.