Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday

While my sisters were doing their Black Friday shopping the online way via the computer, Courtney and I joined the ranks of the crazies and went Black Friday shopping in one of the most well-known shopping meccas - the Magnificent Mile. We knew something was up when we got off the El and saw shopper after shopper carrying bags bulging with items. When we hit Michigan Ave, we saw why. There were signs everywhere advertising 40-50% off the entire store until noon. People were going nuts. Lines to get into the dressing rooms were as long as the lines to checkout, so people were disrobing and trying on items right in the aisles. I must admit to buying a couple things myself, while only losing Courtney once (thank goodness for cell phones). By noon, most of the sales were over, and that, coupled with the sunshine, warm temps, and Christmas displays caused everyone to mob the sidewalks. Nothing like a few crowds to get you into the spirit of the season.