Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remains of the Day

I signed up for Mary Ann Moss's Remains of the Day online journal class. (BTW, it's on sale this month.) My friends have been talking about this a lot in my Collage Club meetings, so I decided to try it out. Just as the name sounds, you make a journal from paper and fabric scraps. This journal is different in that you sew the scraps together to make full-size pages, rather than gluing them. Since I've been cleaning out the attic, I incorporated some of Brian and Courtney's old school papers as well as junk mail and magazine scraps. And speaking of journaling, I just found out that Teesha Moore cancelled Journalfest for next year. I am bummed, because it looked like such a fun event; but she's been doing it for 10 years and is ready for a change (I of all people should be able to understand that.)