Friday, November 18, 2011

Tetrix Bot

Now this is a robot!!! I saw this robot at the ACTE (Association for Career & Technical Education) Conference this week. It was about 4 feet tall with rubber treads for feet, and was controlled by a joystick. It had blinking LED lights running up and down its arms and legs (hard to see here). I have no idea how much this cost to make, since the base set that makes a little tiny robot is over $600. This is an expensive hobby.No bike riding this week, but I certainly got my exercise running back and forth between the convention center and school (via MetroLink). I took my students to the Structures Gallery at the Science Center on our 80-minute block day. They always love working together to build the Arch. I don't know how the Science Center folks expect elementary kids to build it, because you have to be pretty tall to place the keystone in the top. Of course, I never could get a picture of the completed structure, because some of my students always knocked it down. Boy will be boys, I guess.