Thursday, December 15, 2011

Airport Santa

When I went to the airport yesterday, I saw an empty Santa Station - a comfortable chair on a raised platform, but no Santa. Not surprising, since it was six o'clock in the morning. But when I got to Denver, there was Santa in all his glory at gate 37. Flying into Denver really put me in the holiday spirit with all the mountains and snow. I felt like renting a car and going skiing for a day. Luckily it's long enough before Christmas that I didn't have to deal with the holiday travelers.Santa must have finished up in Denver and headed to Portland, because there was a long line to see him in Pioneer Square as soon as the sun went down. The folks in Portland set up his chair inside a little house next to this huge lighted tree. Probably a necessity given all the rain they have. It's 20 degrees colder in Portland than it is back home. Brrrrrrr...