Friday, December 16, 2011

Portland Christmas Celebrations

Every year my summer boss has a pierogi party for Christmas. We made the pierogies on Thursday evening; on Saturday they'll have about 50 people over to eat them (which unfortunately, I'll miss). I've eaten a lot of pierogies in my life, because my Grandmother used to make them, but I've never made them myself. My boss's recipe was good - a mashed potator/cheddar cheese filling (of course we sampled some), but I think I like my Grandmother's better. With 12 of us in the kitchen, we ended up making over 500 pierogies.On Friday, we went downtown to the Governor Hotel for the company Christmas lunch. I had the salmon, because I can't go to the northwest without having salmon at least once. If you look real closely at the middle of the table, you can see our dessert: chocolate-covered strawberries. The chocolate was put on in such a way as to make the strawberries look like little fat tuxedos.We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around downtown. The day was gorgeous - blue sky and mild temps. Someone told me about the Festival of the Last Minute at the Saturday Market, but it doesn't start until next week. So I headed over to Burgerville for one of their seasonal milkshakes - chocolate peppermint.In the evening, my summer boss and I went to the Holiday Pops concert at Keller auditorium. On the way over, we saw these huge snowflake decorations on one of the bank buildings. I've certainly squeezed a lot of Christmas-y things into the last few days.