Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Katy Trail

I've been talking about riding the entire length of the Katy Trail (240 miles), but Bruce suggested we ride a small section before making the larger commitment. So yesterday we loaded up the bikes and headed off to the Weldon Springs trailhead. It's one of the nicer sections of the trail, because it runs along the Missouri River for a ways with big stone bluffs on one side and the water on the other. There were several historical markers pointing out Lewis & Clark's journey along this river.
 We rode west along the trail about 10 miles to the town of Augusta. We stopped at this brewery for lunch and a cold drink. It was an absolutely perfect day to be sitting outside - warm temps, but no bugs yet. After our 20 mile trek, I still want to ride the whole trail; but I think before I do, I may need to invest in a softer bike seat.