Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Camera Cleanout

I usually take pictures with my digital camera, but once in a while I use the camera on my cell phone. When I popped the memory card into the computer, I found an assortment of random photos that I've taken over the past few months. The first is our new cafeteria at school, now called the Commons. It's the most glorious school cafeteria I've ever seen - nicer finishes than most people's houses. There's a giant projection screen that comes down from the ceiling over the stage for when they have community meetings or events. (There is a matching stained glass window on the left side of the stage.) We had parent/teacher conferences in here last week.
The next is a photo of the Chicago River taken outside Union Station when I was waiting for the train on Sunday (Amtrak, not EL). It was a beautiful morning, sunny and warm, and early enough that the crowds were down.
I took this picture while walking through the park to school on one of those warm winter days we had. I wanted to get a picture of that colorful sculpture to the left of the bush, but unfortunately my cell phone is great on panoramic shots, but lousy with close-ups. When I look at this picture, I can't believe the contrast between the brown vegetation a month ago and the green now.
My final picture is another Artfest shot. This was taken inside the cabin down on the beach where we had our journaling party and bonfire. Everyone was lining up to get their beer and hot dogs and s'mores. (I don't see much journaling going on.) Finding old pictures in your camera is kind of an unexpected treat down memory lane.