Saturday, July 7, 2012


Even though it's over 100 degrees outside, Bruce and I are both getting cabin fever. He's been working on our new back yard extension - leveling it out and laying a walkway. He had to make about five trips to Lowe's to get enough paving stones, but it looks nice and is much better than stepping into dirt when you walk into the backyard from the driveway. We plan to lay down some sod, but the garden centers aren't selling any right now with the temperatures so high.
I moved the hostas that used to line the fence over to the side of the house - a much shadier location. This used to be full of peony bushes, but they didn't get enough sun. They bloomed every spring, but then fell over onto the sidewalk. BTW, this picture is serving as a "before" photo of the west side gate. Bruce did such a nice job with the gate next to the driveway, that he is planning to build a matching one for this side.