Friday, June 29, 2012

Coaster Camp

Last day of roller coaster camp. We got our Willie Wonka Factory coaster built with the 40 ft long black rubber track. After numerous investigations, we decided that the plastic ball would work best as the coaster car. Our biggest problem was too much energy (normally most coasters don't have enough energy); but our ball made it around these 3 vertical loops, then traveled along 5 more hills through 2 tunnels and 1 funnel to finally dive off the end of the track into a vat of "cotton candy."  (My camera couldn't begin to capture the whole length of the track.) I had incredibly clever and creative girls to work with. They hated taking apart the original coaster, but we needed the pieces to build the support structure for the vertical loops. Today we made paper coasters and each girl got to take hers home along with her log book with all our week's activities.
I'm taking a breather next week.