Friday, October 5, 2018

Bike Ride

I've tried 3 different times to go out again on my bike, but something always happens to mess it up (like rain). So today it was sunny, but OMG was it humid. I biked the Katy Trail from St Charles to Greens Bottom Road (which runs along the Missouri River), and I felt like I was biking in the shower. It was so humid, I could actually see mist in the air.
I had a specific destination in mind - Thies Farm. They sell apple pie in addition to plants and gardening supplies. Since Halloween is just a few weeks away, they had several fun displays set up, like  a ghost & goblin train and a hay bale/tractor tire maze. I really wish Violet and Lincoln could have been with me, because they would have enjoyed all the amusements. Plus, the owner told me they are sponsoring a "make-your-own-scarecrow" event over the weekend. I thought about going back for that myself, but I decided to buy this ready-made witch's hat instead.