Monday, October 8, 2018

USK Boat House

I joined the Watercolor Urban Sketchers for a Columbus Day outing at the Boat House. It was a gorgeous day to be outside - sunny and not horribly hot for a change. Luckily we got there early, because I think everyone who had the holiday off was spending it at the same location. The place was packed.
Lots of people went out onto the lake in the paddle boats, but no one seemed to be renting the kayaks. So most of us ended up trying to paint the bright orange boats. The trouble was there was a lot of slack in the line tying the boats to the dock, so they kept shifting back and forth in the water. I'm not very good at drawing moving targets (that's mine on the right).
The lady on the left solved the problem by painting a portrait of the lady sitting across from her on the right. I should have gotten a photo of her finished painting, because it was unbelievably good - especially since we were only there for 2 hours. Maybe next time I'll try painting people (yeah right).