Friday, November 9, 2018

Front Porch Firepit

I love sitting out on our front porch in the late afternoon, but during the summer months we can't go out there unless we are slathered in mosquito spray. The first frost of the year always signals the death of the bugs and the chance to return to the porch, but that also means it's cold. So I got the bright idea of putting a firepit out on the porch - the kind like you see in restaurant outdoor seating areas. It's fueled by propane, rather than wood, so we don't have to worry about burning the house down, and it has a nice little table surround, so we can rest our drink glasses on it. I can't imagine myself sitting out there when there's snow on the ground, but for temps in the 40's and 50's, it's a handy thing to have. We'll see.