Monday, February 18, 2019

Maple Trail

The weather in San Diego is much colder than I expected. While 50 degrees is certainly warmer than 20, it's a little cold to sit outside sketching for very long. So on Sunday morning, after shivering in Balboa Park for 30 minutes, I gave up and went on a walk. Right in the middle of the city, I stumbled on a hiking trail.
San Diego has a lot of canyons with pedestrian bridges across. To me, the hardest part of this trail was going to be crossing that rickety-looking trestle bridge to get to the trailhead.
The other hard part was getting down to the trail. Luckily there were steps. I was kind of surprised that I didn't see any joggers on this trail, since it seems like everyone goes jogging on Sunday mornings. But there were several dog walkers letting their dogs run wild (you probably can't read it, but the fine print in the first photo says all dogs must be on a leash... yeah, right).
The trail was a bit rough with exposed tree roots and rocks. This mud slide kind of spooked me, especially since San Diego has had so much rain. I think they've had more rain the last 2 weeks than they've had the last 5 years! I wouldn't want to be living in one of the houses at the top of this canyon.
But then right as I was almost at the end, I came upon this obstruction. The OCD in me wanted to continue (I hate backtracking), while the Catholic guilt in me said to obey the warning (yellow tape). I stood there for several minutes, but common sense finally won out. The wind was blowing so hard that I was afraid it would blow down another tree, so I turned around and headed back. Guess I'll stick to city sidewalks.