Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Seal Beach

It dawned sunny, but cold, on Tuesday, so I headed up to Seal Beach - appropriately named for all the seals and sea lions who like to sun themselves on the rocks.
Since it was pretty cold in San Diego, however, most of the seals tended to lay on top of each other in packs (probably trying to keep warm). They said the ocean temperature was 55 degrees; the day started out at 43!
One brave seal climbed up onto the retaining wall to sun himself. I say he's "brave," because he didn't get much peace. The tourists kept stepping over the cones to take selfies next to him.
There are also a lot of birds on Seal Beach, but for some reason they tend to hang out in their own section and don't necessarily mix with the seals. Maybe it's because the seal section stunk to high heaven.
I took a break for brunch and went to Richard Walker's Pancake House. I'd heard that this was a really great place. Last weekend, the one in Seaport Village had a line of customers waiting to get in that extended down the entire block.
But I'll have to say, I was underwhelmed. This is a German pancake - baked, not fried. It kind of looks like a Chicago deep-dish pizza without the toppings. Maybe I didn't order the right thing, because I didn't think this $15 pancake was that impressive.
As I walked back to the bus, I passed this retirement home. I couldn't believe it was sitting right on the beach. The photo below is literally the view out the back of the property. I don't know how in the world you'd maneuver a walker out on the beach (maybe all the residents have scooters), but if I could afford it, this is certainly the place I'd choose to move into when I hit my 80's.