Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New Faucet

The bad thing about living in a 93-year old house is that something is always breaking. In January and February, we spent thousands of dollars to replace the sewer line running from the basement to the main line (thank goodness we have a small back yard). But for all that money, basically all we have to show for it is a shiny new drain cover.
This month, the kitchen faucet decided to break. It still released water when you turned it on, but if you turned on the hot water, the sprayer would kick in spitting water every where. So even though he hates plumbing, Bruce crawled under the sink to swap in a new one. Easy peasy??? NOT.
First he had to make a trip to the hardware store, because the fittings on the new faucet were different than the old one (which was even more frustrating, since the "old" faucet wasn't really that old). Then when he went to test it out, the hot water side didn't work - this time due to a faulty shut-off valve (which of course took another hour to trace down). But now we have a working faucet that basically looks exactly like the old one. Oh the joys of home ownership.