Saturday, March 23, 2019

Violet's First Robot

I've waited 6 years to give Violet her first robot, so for her birthday I gave her an Ozobot Evo. An Evo is a line-following robot about the size of a hard-boiled egg. It beeps and chirps and spins around doing all kinds of crazy maneuvers.
But you can "program" it to go where you want using colored markers - perfect for someone like Violet who is also a budding artist.
Drawing squares in different colors tells the robot whether to turn right, left, or go straight. I used Skittles as an incentive to tell Violet which leg the robot should take. I think I should send this photo to the Evo's marketing department. Violet's concentration is priceless.
Even though the box said the robot was recommended for ages 8 and up, Lincoln got into the game and quickly learned how to turn the robot on, as well as draw his own playing fields. This little robot has built-in Bluetooth, so the next time I go to KC, I'll have to show the kids how to drive it with their iPads. Sometimes I can't believe how sophisticated toys are these days. When I was growing up all we had for robots was a cardboard cutout from the back of the cereal box.