Tuesday, April 9, 2019

More Zoo Sketching

The Urban Sketchers met on Monday at the zoo. Normally, the zoo and Science Center are places I avoid in the spring, because they are overrun with the Stroller Brigade and elementary school field trips, but I wasn't the one picking the sketch spot. I have discovered, however, that if I walk up the hill to the far side of the park, I can avoid most of the crowds. Unfortunately, the animals are not always cooperative in letting you sketch them. This zebra stood really still while one man took a photo,
but when I approached the fence with my sketchbook, he turned away from me. This wasn't really the look I was going for. And then one of the volunteer docents came over with a zebra pelt offering to let me inspect the skin. It gave me the heebee jeebies, so I moved on.
I've sketched the Chinese Takins before, but they were the only animals that were facing forward and staying relatively still. I had a little trouble balancing my sketchbook on the fence post while trying to paint one-handed. I didn't realize that another member of our group was sitting on the rocks behind me drawing with only a pen (no paint). I may have to try that simpler technique the next time I go to the zoo.