Monday, August 23, 2021


After 2 long years, I finally made a short trip back to Seattle to see Brian and Amber. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, though much cooler than it's been in Colorado. We've been in the 90's the past month, but they've been down in the 70's - cold to me, if you're not used to it. Thank goodness I brought along my sweatshirt.

Brian took the day off so we could play some new games, but his cat didn't like me stealing the attention. 

Brian gave him a little talk and sent him off to play upstairs with Amber. I probably would have just booted him off the table, but Brian is more compassionate than I am.

Later that afternoon, Amber tried to get both cats together so I could take a picture, but they kept running off.

She finally got them to stand in one place by putting out some little treats. Brian said they are just tabby cats, but they are extremely pretty with their dark fur. 

Since I hadn't been to Seattle in such a long time, I stayed downtown near the waterfront. You can tell that Seattle is still cautious about the pandemic. There were tons of people at Pike Place Market, but everyone was wearing masks. I managed to find a few semi-secluded spots so I could do some sketching.

Airports are crazier than ever with everyone taking a vacation after being stuck at home during the quarantine. I thought this luggage tag was cute, though I seriously doubt anyone is going to pick up this psychedelic suitcase by mistake. I'm not quite used to the Denver airport yet, since that's just been a place to change planes, not get off and go home from. I miss the light rail system we had in St Louis, because it was so easy to just hop on the train to go home. They have a light rail here, but it goes downtown (no where near where we live). I kept waiting at Passenger Pickup for Bruce to pick me up and Bruce kept circling the terminal, but he made 3 laps before we finally figured out that I was in the East Terminal and he was at the West.