Saturday, July 27, 2024

Busy Week

When I got back from Chicago, I was really excited to find that my new eBike had been delivered. It arrived in a large flat box, but luckily didn't require much assembly to get it operable (thank you, Bruce, for getting it working). I took it for a quickie spin around the neighborhood, but truthfully haven't had much time to spend on it this week, because I've been busy with so many other things.

First, I led a bike ride for the Bike Club to the Fika Coffee Shop (the President of our club was home entertaining his granddaughter from England). The Fika Coffee Shop is my favorite place to go, because they have such great outdoor seating areas with great views. I rode my regular bike there, because I just didn't trust myself on my new eBike. Besides, I haven't quite figured out yet how to load it onto the bike rack on my car.

A couple days later, I helped set up for this month's concert. The theme was Disco Circus. I understood the disco part, since we'd hired a 70's band complete with psychedelic clothes and Afro wigs. But I think our social director got a little carried away adding the circus component onto the event. She hired some roaming circus performers who juggled, did stunts, and made twisted balloon animals for the kids. Thank goodness she didn't bring in an elephant or tiger like she did last month with Hogan the bull.

The next day I had yoga, but I didn't get a photo, because I could barely walk after the workout was over. I'm not sure how "relaxing" our yoga classes are, but they sure give you a good stretch. On Sunday, Janet and Teresa came to town for a short visit. They stopped at our house for dinner before heading off to Black Hawk for a couple days of gambling. I'm not really a gambler, but I joined them the next day for a late breakfast. Black Hawk is a really pretty town up in the mountains just outside of Denver, so I took advantage of the scenery and did a little sketching before heading back home.

Then on Wednesday, I led another bike outing. This time only 2 other people showed up, because the temperature was supposed to rise up into the 90's. We went early and I picked a really shady trail, so luckily we finished before it got hot at noon.

On Thursday, we had our Garden Club neighborhood walking tour. Ours was the last house on the tour, so everyone got to come in and have some iced tea and a cookie while looking out at our back yard. We had a really good turnout - about 45 people. That's not bad at all given that the tour started at 4pm and it was 92 degrees out. This week was fun, but boy am I glad it's over. I could use a little down time.