Thursday, July 11, 2024

Half the Year Gone Already

For the 4th of July, our neighborhood sponsored a Bike Parade. Everyone gathered at the park to decorate their bikes (decorations paid for out of our HOA dues). Granted this was mostly intended for kids, but some of us older "kids" decided to join in the fun.

Later that week, I went biking with a couple ladies from the Bike Club. We picked up a map at the Bike-to-Work Day showing several bike trails that we hadn't ridden before. So, we decided to check out a few to see if they would make good options for our club. Unfortunately, when you get closer into the older part of Denver, the bike trails don't cross under busy streets. You have to use the crosswalk. A couple of those 6-lane road crossings were really hair-raising even with the pedestrian walk signal. But it was nice to ride through a different part of the city.

We got this little screened-in play space when Charlie was a puppy, but he never liked being in it until recently. I don't know if he thinks it's cooler in there or if he's worried the mosquitoes might get him (something we really don't have in Colorado). But these days, he likes hanging out in there.

I thought I'd be able to take Charlie to those little water spray play spaces you often see in parks. But then I found out that dogs aren't allowed in them. Bummer. So, I found a wading pool with tiny holes punched into the border that let the water come up - same principle. Charlie loves licking the water as it comes out and it helps cool him off on our 90+ degree days.

About once every couple weeks, we take Charlie to Doggie Day Care so he can run around and play with other dogs. But around 4 o'clock, they herd all the dogs into one room so they can be picked up. Some dogs pace around; other dogs keep playing. Charlie just sits and waits for his name to be called.

But when he hears his name, he's right at the gate ready to go home. I can't imagine what a struggle this poor girl has every time she has to let out only one dog.