Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rose Festival

After a 2-day consultants' meeting, my boss took us downtown Friday night to have some fun. The Rose Festival is going on right now with different activities all weekend long. We started out with dinner at the Red Star restaurant (grilled salmon - yum), and then walked over to the City Fair next to the river - lots of amusement park rides, blues bands, and beer.
Saturday morning I got up early and went to the Farmers' Market for breakfast. My favorite spot is a little stand that sells Mexican breakfast burritos - scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, green chillies, and Tillamook cheese in a corn tortilla. Then I took off for a 5-mile walk along the Willamette River to the Columbia Sportswear Outlet Store in Sellwood. Along the way, I passed the Dragon Boat teams practicing for the race next Saturday.
After my shopping spree in Sellwood, I caught the bus back downtown, stopping at Burgerville along the way for a fresh strawberry shake and Powell's for a book. I was heading back to the hotel for a much-needed nap when I met up with some of the other consultants. We headed off to Mamma Mia's (an Italian restaurant) for dinner and then back out to the Twilight parade. (Sounds like all I did was eat this weekend - too much temptation.)
Sunday was basically a repeat of Saturday, only this time I headed north for a shorter 2-mile walk to a Collage store. I love walking through the older neighborhoods around here - lots of craftsman houses with postage-stamp front yards overflowing with flowers from all the rain. It was a really fun weekend, but definitely exhausting. I need to go to work tomorrow, so I can take a break.