Friday, January 11, 2013

Collage Club Demo

I volunteered to do a demo this month at our Collage Club meeting - acrylic painted papers. It's a very simple technique I learned from Jane Davies. You just scrape a thin layer of paint onto a piece of paper with a credit card, let it dry, scrape another layer of paint in a different color over the first, and then spritz the whole thing with water (notice the Windex bottle in the lady's hands). When you blot the page with a paper towel, you get instant texture - sort of looks like granite (or craters on the Moon).
It was really interesting to see all the combinations that people came up with. Some people were very light spritzers, so their papers were mostly the color of their second layer of paint. Others flooded their papers with water, so that when they blotted it, they ended up with more paint on the paper towel than on the original paper. We ended the activity by tearing up some of the papers and gluing them down onto notecards.
We're also doing an Altered Book project in our Collage Club. Each month we're supposed to do a piece of art in a different member's book, and each book has its own theme. This month, my book's theme was "our Beginnings in the Past."  I wasn't quite sure what that meant until I saw that the owner had pasted a picture of her mother with a story she remembered.  So I got inspired to look through my old pictures and I found one of me riding a tricycle. The golds in the picture are actually metallics (they lost their shine in this picture). The trouble with this project is that I don't want to give the book back. So I'm going to have to get a second book and make duplicates of all my artwork.