Goodness, it's hard to believe that 2018 is almost over. I feel like I'm still recovering from the Y2K parties in 1999. 2018 was a very eventful year, earmarking several milestone birthdays in our family. Melissa turned 35 in January, Brian turned 40 in August, and Courtney turned 35 in September. Baby Violet turned 5 in March, entering her first day of kindergarten and losing her first tooth (guess I need to stop calling her "Baby" Violet). And I turned 65 in April (yikes!) heralding the age of social security. At least I get a discount at the movies.
But never let it be said that this senior citizen let grass grow under her feet. I worked 3 technology conferences in Atlanta, Salt Lake City, and Omaha, and refereed 10 robotics competitions. I'm an expert in the Cha Cha Slide (our line dancing activity during the break between rounds).
Bruce and I hiked in 2 national parks (Zion and Crater Lake), 5 state parks (Taum Sauk, Ha Ha Tonka, Meramec, Hawn, and Castlewood), and spent an entire month hiking in Boulder, Colorado. We walked about 50,000 steps in 3 days walking from one end of Washington DC to the other for our anniversary. And Bruce even did a little tight-rope walking at the Ringling Circus in Florida.
Janet and I walked 700 miles of the Appalachian Trail in 17 weeks (virtually compliments of our Fitbits). We skipped the tent camping and eating outdoors parts.
I took 5 art classes in printmaking, experimental painting, Chicago urban sketching, Florida art journaling, and Seattle skylines. I even had my first gallery display, though everybody who took the class had their work hung up.
I started a St Louis-based urban sketching group, which is scheduled to get national recognition any day now (just as soon as they get their website fixed). We're up to 19 members - woohoo! We even have an Instagram hashtag, though I have yet to figure out how to post a picture to it.
I continue to enjoy biking, taking a week-long trip on the Legacy Trail in Venice, FL. Bruce bought me a bike rack for my new miniCooper... and Courtney gave me several new art supplies... and Brian recommended a new game to try, so it looks like 2019 is going to be just as interesting and full of new challenges as the past year has been. I can't wait to get started.