Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Resolutions

A year ago, I set a goal for myself to finish all the half-started projects I have lying around the house. That lasted about a week. And on top of that, I started several new ones. I bought another LEGO set (which meant I had to buy more parts boxes, because the others were overflowing). I bought yarn to make a new afghan (even though I never finished the one for the living room). I bought more art supplies, sketchbooks, fabric for doll clothes, puzzle books, craft magazines, and online classes. And on top of all that, I organized a game club with my friends, so I bought several new board games and card sets for us to try.
I thought about making a New Year's resolution to try something new, but that seems to be the way I already live my life. So I'm thinking of making a New Year's resolution to post more often to my blog - maybe every day. But the trouble with daily postings is that you start getting into the mundane. For example, the other day I went to Macy's to buy a new pillow... that is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
But on the other hand, even the mundane can have an element of surprise. When I walked into the store (on Dec 27), Macy's had already cleared out all their Christmas decorations, moved the sweaters and coats to the sale section, and loaded up the clothes racks with shorts and swim suits. I guess they think we're all heading to the Bahamas in January or spring is coming really early this year.