Sunday, February 3, 2019

Farmers' Market

Every Saturday they hold a Farmers' Market in Little Italy which turned out to be only a block from my condo.
I walked over there, but I'll have to admit that I wasn't inspired to buy anything. I really wasn't in the mood for elk, bison, duck, or pork. So instead, I walked over to Starbucks and used my new app, which gave me "gold" status and a free drink. I love when companies give you perks for buying their products.
On Sunday, I met up with the San Diego Urban Sketchers at the North Park Water Tower. It was only 4 miles from my condo, which might seem like a lot, but it was a nice sunny day, so I decided to walk rather than take the bus. I was a little disappointed in the venue they picked for sketching. Given all the beautiful architecture, gardens, waterfront, and parks around San Diego, an old beat up water tower seemed an odd choice. On top of that, we all met in the Wendy's parking lot, so the people who didn't feel like drawing the water tower ended up painting the Taco Hut across the street. Oh well, at least it was a warm day to draw.