Saturday, February 2, 2019

January Exercise Challenge

I finally finished my January walking challenge with a total of 274,972 steps - 24,972 steps more than my 250,000 goal. Janet beat me by an additional 10,000 steps, though we weren't in competition; we just had to walk 250,000 steps by Feb 1. So I'm enjoying my Starbucks gift card and Janet is listening to music from her iTunes card.
Our new challenge for February is called SPLAT. Every day we have to do Squats, Push-up planks, Leg lifts, Arm circles, and Russian Twists - the number depends on the day of the month. I started off with a base of 10, since it seemed silly to do only one rep of each. But let me tell you, it took a supreme effort, while doing those push-up planks, not to go "splat" on the floor and smash my nose. I think I'd rather stick with walking.