Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Cinco de Mayo

The Bike Club went for our annual ride around the neighborhood and then over to Las Fajitas Mexican restaurant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (I'm way in the back on the right). 

Whenever food is involved, we get a much bigger turnout on our bike rides than when hills or mileage are the focus. Even Bruce came along on his eBike (on the far left). He's wearing his new bike jacket and pants I got him for Christmas. Notice some people (including me) are wearing shorts. The temperatures vary wildly around here - below freezing one day, sunburn hot the next. 

I've been trying to get in some miles on the good weather days. Last week, I rode all the way to the dam at Cherry Creek Park. Matter of fact, riding my bike is my topic for May's Something Old, Something New challenge. I found a training plan on an over-40 female bikers' website that is supposed to get you in shape to ride 40 miles by the end of 4 weeks. We'll see. Last week I made it up to 24 miles. That's good, but still a long way from 40, especially with all the hills in Denver.

We've been doing some yard work while it's still cool. We built this mini-creek bed on the side of the front yard. I know it always looks like Bruce is doing all the work, but I do more than just take pictures. I actually moved all the gravel from the side yard to the edge of the cobblestone. I'm sure the neighbors think we're nuts for the number of times we've moved stone around with just a bucket and shovel. 

When we're busy, Charlie goes to Doggie Day Care. He absolutely loves it. Next week may be a different story, however. They also do grooming at Doggie Day Care, so he's going to get a bath and summer trim. Right now he's looking awfully shaggy (my attempts at cutting his hair myself). I'm curious to see how he'll look after a "professional" cut.