Thursday, June 6, 2024

Courtney Visit

Courtney came to town for a quickie weekend visit, and we hit the ground running on activities. She flew in late Thursday evening, so we didn't do much more than get a snack and head to bed. Note for future visits: never check a bag when taking the last flight into Denver as it took over an hour for the bags to finally show up on the carousel. But we still got up early on Friday and went out to breakfast at the Perfect Landing restaurant in the Centennial Airport. This airport is a great place to sketch, because the planes are so small that they park right outside the restaurant windows.

We stopped off at Tagawa Nursery on the way home so I could pick up a couple plants to replace ones that had died. I ended up getting a couple extra to make a new grouping. Luckily, Bruce didn't mind too much running some additional irrigation lines. The garden is really looking good.

On Saturday, I took Courtney to our neighborhood yoga class. It was a gorgeous morning, and our new outdoor pavilion is a perfect place to hold this class. I admit to being a bit out of shape, yoga-wise, but it was a really good workout stretch.

That afternoon, we took Charlie to the Aurora Reservoir. I thought we'd be able to let him get into the water, but dogs aren't allowed on the beaches in Colorado. So, we sat in the shade and did some sketching. 

On Sunday, Courtney and I went down to the Honey Hill Cafe for a quick breakfast and sketch before heading over to the Park Hill Art Fair. Since summer has finally come to Denver, I think everyone was outside walking, riding bikes, or just hanging out in the sun. On Monday, we went to the Fika Coffee Shop to sketch. I rode my bike, but Courtney drove Bruce's jeep. Since she doesn't have a car in Chicago, she wanted to get in a little driving practice. It was a fun weekend, but tiring. Even Charlie took a nap with me on Tuesday.